Lower face cuff with link single use (Art. no. 15000012) used for bone and tissue surgery of the lower face as well as wisdom teeth extractions, implants and dermatological treatments
Lower face cuff without link single use (Art. no. 15000022) used for bone and tissue surgery of the lower face as well as wisdom teeth extractions, implants and dermatological treatments
Closed eye cuff single use (Art. no. 15000002) used with eyelid corrections and migraine pain
Nose cuff single use (Art. no. 15000020) used following rhinoplasty procedures or facial trauma procedures
Upper face cuff single use (Art. no. 15000013) used for mid-face fractures, forehead lifts, dermatological treatment and migraines.
Nose cuff T-cast single use (Art.no. 15000020) used following rhinoplasty
Open eye cuff single use (Art. no. 15000003) used following eyelid correction (i.e. blepharoplasty), facial trauma or other facial surgical procedures or migraine
Small surface cuff single use (Art. no. 15000010) used on smaller surfaces such as neck, forehead and wrist
Large surface cuff multi use (Art. no. 15000009) used on larger areas such as thigh, back or abdomen (i.e. after liposuction)
Small round cuff single use (Art. no. 15000007) used on elbow, head (i.e. following hair transplant), especially useful for children for issues affecting shoulder, knee or elbow
Small round cuff multi use (Art. no. 15000007) used on elbow, head (i.e. following hair transplant), especially useful for children for issues affecting shoulder, knee or elbow
Trapeziodal cuff single use (Art. no. 15000014) for use following shoulder or hip surgery, arthritis of the shoulder or hip, other persistent issues of pain or swelling of the shoulder or hip, sports injuries affecting the shoulder or hip
Knee cuff single use (Art. no. 15000016) used following knee surgery including total knee replacements and ACL procedures, arthritis of the knee, other persistent issues of pain and swelling of the knee, sports injuries affecting the knee
Knee cuff multi use (Art. no. 15000016) used following knee surgery including total knee replacements and ACL procedures, arthritis of the knee, other persistent issues of pain and swelling of the knee, sports injuries affecting the knee
Foot cuff multi use (Art. no. 15000018) for use following foot or ankle surgery, arthritis of foot or ankle, other persistent issues of pain & swelling of the foot or ankle, sports injuries affecting foot/ankle including achilles
Lower leg cuff multi use (Art. no. 15000015) for use on the lower leg
Round cuff single use (Art. no. 15000008) for use following breast surgery, elbow following injury, surgery or arthritis and head (i.e. following hair transplant)
Round cuff multi use (Art. no. 15000008) for use following breast surgery, elbow following injury, surgery or arthritis and head (i.e. following hair transplant)
Universal mini cuff single use (Art. no. 15000004) for use of a small area such as thumb or fingers, specific part of the face, particularly useful in the treatment of children